5 Things You Need To Know Before You Buy a Used MRI Machine

So you get a great deal on a used MRI machine that someone had for sale and you feel like a million dollars. But when you take the equipment to its facilities, you realize that the machine needs helium and that there are additional requirements for a successful installation. When you call the seller, they tell you that you was not part of the contract and that they also "forgot" to mention that the machine is not guaranteed to comply with the requirements of ACR. While hitting the phone, the site inspector enters and asks you to remove the equipment, as it does not meet safety standards. Wow, what is the right scenario? The truth is ... it could really happen. While it is clear that the buyer didn’t read "5 questions to ask his supplier before buying a used MRI machine", it is also clear that there is more to buy a used MRI machine in addition to the price itself. After researching the advantages of reconditioned MRI equipment, MRI types and fin...